Self-sufficiency through gardening display

Feb 1, 2010

The Ventura County Cooperative Extension/County of Ventura Farm Advisor office currently has a display at the Hall of Administration in the County Government Center.

Gardening offers many opportunities to improve one’s life by providing outdoor exercise, and superior nutrition with home-grown fruits and vegetables. Working outside at home makes it easier to meet and greet neighbors – or make new friends at a community garden. But perhaps most importantly, during these uncertain economic times, gardening can help people be self-sufficient.

A wealth of information is available to the public in an effort to encourage people to begin or expand their gardens. Topics covered at our display include: water conservation, fruit trees, vegetable gardening, food safety, pests, and composting.

If you have business that brings you to the government center between February 1 and February 26, please plan to stop by and visit our display. If you are interested in the information, but will not be in the area, please contact us so we may provide it for you in a different format. Much of it can be found on our website or at the CA MG garden website.