Invasive species

Mar 31, 2010

The global marketplace increases the likelihood of invasive pest and diseases entering California.  Invasive pests and diseases can affect agricultural productivity, public health, natural resource biodiversity, and water quality and quantity.

The threat of invasive pests and disease is real in Ventura County. Please do your part in minimizing the potential impacts by:

  • staying informed about local invasive pest and disease threats.
  • notifying the CDFA or County Ag Commissioner if a suspected invasive pest is found.
  • following guidelines and procedures designed to minimize the spread of pests and disease.

The current top invasive pest and disease threats to Ventura County, and what you can do to help, can be found on our previous blog posts.

Monitoring waterways for invasive quagga and zebra mussels

Laurel Wilt Disease

Invasive species in the Santa Clara River

Asian Citrus Psyllid series

Quarantines, Permits and You