Fighting for Our Environment – fotonovellas

Oct 5, 2011

Fotonovellas are a style of comic book.

Michael Marzolla and his Fighting for Our Environment Team have designed fotonovellas to help spread environmental awareness. The fotonovellas highlight easy ways that youth can help improve the quality of their immediate environment and how good stewardship of our local environment benefits us all.

It is easy to see that much fun was had during the development of the Fighting for Our Environment fotonovellas. They can be viewed and downloaded on this page of our website. Some are available in Spanish.

This group also won a Green Shorts Award for their Fighting for Our Environment video. It can be viewed here.

Fighting for Our Environment outreach materials encourage youth to make a difference in their communities to reduce pollution.
Fighting for Our Environment outreach materials encourage youth to make a difference in their communities to reduce pollution.