2012 CA Weed Science Society Scholarships Available

Mar 7, 2012

The California Weed Science Society (CWSS) is offering scholarships to support undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in weed or invasive plant management. 

To be eligible for these awards the student must be pursuing a degree at an accredited 2-year college or 4-year university in California and be enrolled through the spring 2012 term.  Preference will be given to students that demonstrate a strong interest in weed or invasive plant management. 

All awards will be given at the discretion of CWSS. 

CWSS Scholarships:  Academic scholarships up to $2000 are available for undergraduate and graduate students. 

  • CWSS Internships:  The internship is an award of $3000 for an 8-week full-time internship with a University of California farm advisor or other off-campus research personnel with responsibilities in weed or invasive plant management. 
  • CWSS Undergraduate Research Awards:  The undergraduate research award is a grant up to $2000 to support a research project related to weed or invasive plant management. 

All applications must be received by April 1, 2012.

For additional information and instructions on how to apply contact Oleg Daugovish at odaugovish@ucdavis.edu.

Weeds, such as this field bindweed in a tomato field, are plants that interfere with the growing of agricultural or landscape plants. They can also endanger the health or safety of people or animals.
Weeds, such as this field bindweed in a tomato field, are plants that interfere with the growing of agricultural or landscape plants. They can also endanger the health or safety of people or animals.